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2024-07-06 04:56:57

" Cho and her husband have also donated hundreds of thousands of yuan to help prevent the children of poverty-stricken rural families in Anhui from dropping out of school

2024-07-06 04:56:57

The cultural center of the Jinpu New Area has undertaken the course for three consecutive years since 2015

2024-07-06 04:56:57

Some of China's practices are also worth learning, such as how it trains its officials

2024-07-06 04:56:57

According to the US Department of Agriculture, global production of sugar is up 9 million tons to a record of 180 million metrics tons a year and consumption hovers at the 172 million metric ton level, also a record high level

2024-07-06 04:56:57

Lu's comment came after ROK President Moon Jae-in suggested that his country could go ahead with humanitarian aid to the DPRK "regardless of political situations," despite Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's request for consideration of the timing of the proposed aid

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